sebastiandaschner blog

Wrap-up early 2017

friday, february 17, 2017

The early 2017 offered a rather quiet start into the year — as every year — and the conference season is about to begin again. The first conference travel was Sweden as I got the chance to speak at Jfokus about Hypermedia REST with Java EE.

On the Jfokus conference I also interviewed some other speakers at the NightHacking stage — have a look a the NightHacking YouTube channel for the recordings. I joined the Jfokus speaker unconference trip into the middle of cold (cold as in -20°C) Sweden. Besides Jfokus and currently client projects I’m working on some more content — stay tuned!

What happened

So what else happened during the last few months?

What’s next

What’s already confirmed for the next few weeks?


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