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AsciiBlog on JavaEE MVC (JSR 371)

#asciidoc #javaee monday, may 25, 2015

The latest version of AsciiBlog now uses the Early Draft Release of the new JavaEE 8 MVC specification (JSR 371). This makes the integration of JSPs with action-based MVC even easier.

The pom.xml was changed to


to include Ozark, the RI of MVC.

Ozark relies on Jersey and should to be deployed on a Glassfish (nightly build).

Switching to JSR 371 really simplifies the usage of action-based MVC:

public class EntriesController {

    EntriesStore entriesStore;

    Models models;

    public String getEntry(@PathParam("entry") final String entryName) {
        final Entry entry = entriesStore.getEntry(entryName);

        if (entry == null)
            return "notFound.jsp";

        models.put("entry", entry);
        return "entry.jsp";

The EntriesController is returned as a JAX-RS subresource and therefore has no @Path annotation itself. As MVC is based on JAX-RS many features are included from this specification.

Have a look at the AsciiBlog project on GitHub.


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