sebastiandaschner blog

Uploading Files With Quarkus (Update)

monday, april 22, 2024

If you’re using Quarkus in a recent version and would like to upload (multiple) files, this video is for you.
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Vim Tips I Wish I Knew Earlier

wednesday, march 20, 2024

When starting out your journey with Vim, there are so many things to learn. Over time, you will see which features will stick with you and which ones are helpful in your work.
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Tour of My Dotfiles

friday, march 15, 2024

I’m sharing my relevant “dotfiles”, that is all the configuration in my Linux home directory on GitHub. I was asked a few times to go through these files, explain what the individual config bits do, and the motivation behind them.
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How to Become Better at the Keyboard

friday, february 09, 2024

Over the years, I’ve made the point quite extensively that developers should be proficient in using the keyboard. Besides touch typing — being able to type without looking at your keyboard — which tips or techniques can help you becoming better at the keyboard?
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Why I’m Using a Tiling Window Manager

monday, january 29, 2024

Over the years, I got asked many times why my setup looks so weird, especially with my window manager. I’m using a tiling window manager, i3 on Arch Linux, and in the following video I’m explaining why and how.
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Effective Developer Workflows With Quarkus

friday, january 19, 2024

If you’ve worked with Quarkus already, you likely got to try the development mode (quarkus:dev) and other productivity-related features. In this video I’m showing how to leverage that and how to build up a local development workflow that is efficient to use.
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Effective Test Execution With Quarkus

monday, july 24, 2023

The dev mode in Quarkus and especially the continuous testing feature is one of the fastest ways to execute tests and get feedback. Triggering your tests with a single keystroke and receiving feedback in a matter of milliseconds is a game changer in minimizing turnaround times. With Quarkus 3.2, there are more interesting ways to add to this way of testing, which I’m presenting in the following video:
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Why You Should Learn Vim

saturday, july 08, 2023

You might have noticed that I’m a big fan of Vim. But that’s not so much because of the editor — in fact, I wouldn’t consider Vim an optimal editor environment — as it is for the Vim way of typing. In this video, I’m showing you what makes the Vim way of typing so efficient, why learning Vim was the biggest productivity improvement in my career, and why it might be interesting for you, even if you don’t want to use the Vim editor.
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